Remember Me

In Harm's Way
Children's - 2nd-5th Grade, Age 7-10 
240 p. ; 
Retail $8.99

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ISBN 9781416939108
Make Way For Books
As "The Keepers" uncover more clues, the background and cleverness of their "enemies" is also revealed. Is it possible to respect, and even feel empathy for, one's "enemies"? Time to save the beloved school building is running out, but the story's characters are maturing in interesting and positive ways. What growth and discoveries await in the story's resolution? This fourth book in the engrossing series leaves readers eager for the final volume!
Publisher Summary
In this fourth installment, Benjamin Pratt and his friends Jill and Robert are determined to save their school from destruction. But just when it seems they've finally gotten the upper hand over that awful Janitor Lyman, they're caught completely off guard by his next move. Illustrations.
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