Remember Me

Wing Ding
Children's - 3rd-6th Grade, Age 8-11 
224 p. ; 
Retail $5.99

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Quality Paper
ISBN 9780061152276
Make Way For Books
There is nothing ho-hum about this young-reader sports tale! Nicknames — Flicker Pringle, Walloper,
Skip Lou, Stump Plumwhiff, Pepper McGraw — epitomize each player, preparing readers for the delightfully descriptive story that follows: "For one thing, rings the size of donuts encrusted her fingers.."; "...the deafening roar that greeted us...sounded more like some terrible orchestra made of up of chain saws, dirt bikes, and snowmobiles"; "The base runners were coiled like Olympic Sprinters waiting for the starting gun."

Markey masterfully blends tall tale-style storytelling and a storyline replete with competitive camaraderie to show the true meaning of All-Star. Additionally, he weaves a somewhat complex science concept into the text and shows its meaning as a critical component of the story's climax. And (perhaps a teacher's dream) incorporates student news articles to show what well-crafted summaries look like. End material includes a graphic organizer of the story's teams, along with wacky facts from baseball history. An undeniable home run!
Publisher Summary
When the windiest weather in Rambletown history blows in a horde of hungry grasshoppers, the only thing the chomping insects devour faster than the grass is the Rounders' chance to host the midseason all-star game. Unfortunately, their shortstop's arm has gone haywire. Balls used to disappear into Stump's glove as if he were a one-man Bermuda Triangle, but since the infestation, he's jumpier than the grasshoppers. Will the Rounders find a way to rid Stump of the yips--and their home field of insects--before the hated Haymakers hijack the all-star game?
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