Remember Me

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ISBN 9780439287197
Make Way For Books
Words can hurt! This sweet but powerful story gives a vivid reminder of the fact that words have the power to stop a dream and the power to revive it. Readers fall in love with the giraffe from the beginning of the story and mourn as mean, untrue words paralyze him. When words of truth and encouragement offer him the chance to believe again, readers cheer him on and celebrate his victory as those who stifled him realize the error of their ways. Reminding us all to be careful of the words we use this tale challenges readers to think and dream from cover to cover.
Publisher Summary
Gerald is a giraffe who simply can't dance. Try as he may, his long, spindly legs buckle whenever he starts to boogy. Every year he dreads going to the Great Jungle Dance - until one night when he finds his own special music...
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