E-Newsletter • Vol. 1 No. 2 • September 2014
Julia Washburn, Editor

IN THIS ISSUE • Poetry & Big Thinking, Bermooda, and Fiction

Words with Wings by Nikki Grimes

Think Big

The poet's art is the ability to say the essential with concise precision. As a result, words in the poet's hand make us bigger thinkers.

But how is it possible to think big these days?...Thinking big—being able to recognize the essence of something—requires contrast and motion, at least that's how I understood it after reading Nikki Grimes' Words with Wings. The storyline is beautiful, but it is the telling that mesmerizes...Grimes uses contrast in almost every poem—good-bad; big-small; hope-despair; brokenness-redemption. I find myself breathing in-out with each contrast. Continued...

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Words with Wings is like a jewel box...book details, summary & review

Several of our picks from the last couple months highlight resilience, where characters turn limitations into creative problem-solving opportunities.

Quirky illustrations perfectly convey a what if quandary posed by The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt. Two Kate Messner titles caught our attention for strong character development in the midst of challenges: Marty Mcguire Digs Worms! chooses to help others accomplish their goals while waiting for her own project to come bear fruit, and Capture the Flag shows how putting aside selfishness and learning to accept and embrace differences creates a stronger team. And, Why Did the Whole World Go to War? And Other Questions About World War II offers answers to difficult questions kids ask about this complex period.

Spot Light: August 2014

Don't miss the new Bermooda books by Mike Litwin! Chuck and Dakota (indomitable, endearing characters) embark on unexpected adventures full of tight spots that require wise decision-making and trustworthy friendship. And perhaps the most poignant chapter book in this recommended set is Extra Credit by Andrew Clements where two children in different parts of the world forge a friendship that requires a delicate balance between tradition and respect. Going Places by Peter and Paul Reynolds is an irresistibly rich lesson in rules and freedom, while On a Beam of Light shows the joy of Einstein's boundless imagination and how it took big dreams to create the future.

Spot Light: September 2014

History's Stories Booklist

History's Stories: A Literary Timeline

Years ago Make Way for Books published History's Stories, a chronological presentation of recommended titles that represented various time periods. It was a unique way to view a world event timeline and became a popular resource. We are excited to now offer History's Stories as a booklist featured on our home page. It will grow as we add history-related titles, so be sure to check back regularly!

I want a book to be a secret door that opens
and lets the stories out into reality."
—Mac Barnett, Author

Masterful storytelling moves us into made-up worlds where we willingly suspend belief to interact with fabricated figments of an author's imagination. In a recent TED Talk, author Mac Barnett humorously describes that space between reality and fiction and explains its importance for young readers. And, in a TED Ed Lesson, author Kate Messner explores fictional storytelling more deeply, explaining components critical for its success.


Make Way for Books is an independent, online bookseller offering children's books that foster a love of reading and inspire a discerning literary appetite. Through book sales we hope to influence in-print longevity of quality titles and encourage distributors, publishers, and authors to stock, sell, and write irresistibly rich reads for kids.