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Breezier, Cheesier, Newest, and Bluest: What Are Comparatives and Superlatives?
Children's - 2nd-6th Grade, Age 7-11 
32 p. ; 
Retail $7.99

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ISBN 9781467760782
Publisher Summary
What are comparatives and superlatives?

After reading this book, you'll have a much clearer idea and will be the best at forming these descriptive words! Brian P. Cleary and Brian Gable explain how these forms of adjectives compare nouns, through the cleverest rhymes and illustrations that are sillier than ever. Each comparative or superlative word is printed in color for easier identification.

Breezier, Cheesier, Newest, and Bluest: What Are Comparatives and Superlatives? turns traditional grammar lessons on end. Read it aloud and share in the delight of the sense--and nonsense--of words.
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