Remember Me

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ISBN 9780316043069
Make Way For Books
When Sugar, living as an orphaned child cared for by fellow plantation workers, decides to befriend the Plantation owner's son, she is rebuked by her "family." When Chinese immigrants arrive to share the workers' responsibility, tension escalates until Sugar's determination deconstructs barriers. Just as healing begins, a dark reminder of selfish unforgiveness rears its ugly head. This time, it takes a united front to conquer. The inclusion of the Chinese laborers' story that parallels that of a newly-freed people makes this a compelling read.
Publisher Summary
From the award-winning author of "Ninth Ward." In 1870, Reconstruction brings big changes to the Louisiana sugar plantation where spunky 10-year-old Sugar has always lived, including her friendship with Billy, the son of her former master, and the arrival of workmen from China.
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